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Barron School Turkey Trot: Register Today!

20th Annual Barron School Turkey Trot in Honor of Brian Richardson


The 20th Annual Barron School Turkey Trot

in honor of Brian Richardson

November 19, 2022

Register by 10/31 to get one of our awesome race shirts! 

Register here:

Register here!




Race Day Schedule

Event details and schedule

8:00 Registration opens 

9:00 Registration closes

9:00 Kids Fun Run begins

9:20 Meet at the flagpole for opening ceremonies

9:30 5K begins

10:45 Raffle and award ceremony begin


Remember to bring those dollar bills so that you can enter to win our great raffle prizes! Stay tuned to see what awesome things we'll be raffling off. 

Packet Pick Up

You can pick up your packet on Friday, 11/18 from 3:30-6pm in the front hall of Barron School or on Saturday morning between 8 and 9. You can also register at either of these times. Race day registration is $30. Cash or checks only, please! 

Turkey Trot Memories



Contact Jodi Turner - Race Director

We need you!

We are looking for sponsors!

Are you or your business interested in making a tax deductible donation to our race? Your support will help us provide scholarships to former Barron students who are graduating from Salem High School! It will also support enrichment activities such as artists in residence for our current Barron students!


Be a GOLD Sponsor by donating $150 or more . Your business name will be on a large sign at our race, you will be announced during awards, and your name and logo will be on our t-shirts! 


Be a SILVER Sponsor by donating $100. Your business name will be a on a large sign at our race and we will announce your business during awards. 


Be a BRONZE Sponsor by donating $50-$75. Your name or business name will be on a large sign to thank you!


Love to bake? We need you! We will be taking donations of baked goods for our athletes on race day. 


Able to donate food or water for our athletes for after the race? AWESOME! 


Does your business have a gift card or cool item that you can donate for our raffle? Let us know!


Please contact Jodi Turner at or Ali Manning at if you are able to contribute to our event.

Thank you!