Please complete the following musical activities on your music day! If you have any questions please feel free to contact Mrs. Moldoff
Watch the following videos about tempo and dynamics. Then fill out the google form below!
DeRosa: Gwen Feibel, Norah Frias, Kenny Roberge, Miranda Salt
Oljey: Richard Yunen, Julianna Riley, Noah Maroun, Tyler Baldridge
Tager: Dylan Boodoo, Emma Howes, Jaylani Gomez, Norah Piantidosi
Want to practice your recorder? Here are some links to help!
Want to practice your recorder? Here are some links to help!
Have some extra time and want to make some music? Use the chrome music lab link below to create your own rhythms, melodies, and sounds!
Complete this worksheet on lines and spaces, dynamics, tempo, and rhythms.