Please complete the following musical activities on your music day! If you have any questions please feel free to contact me
Today we will learn about Musical Genres (pronounced johnrahs) and Musical Styles. A Genre is a type of music or a category of music like Rock and Roll, Jazz, and Classical music. A Style is more like a characteristic of the music - If Rock and Roll is the genre, then Heavy Metal, Rap, Hip Hop are the styles. I hope you have fun doing this lesson with your family members. FYI......My favorite genres are classical music (of course!) and rock - country music. I do not care for the following styles of music - some types of rap, heavy metal, nor hard rock and roll. I like soft jazz, top 40 pop (music played on Magic106.7 or Kiss108).
P/S Music Genres and Styles are not just vocal music, they are instrumental music too!
What is your favorite musical style and why do you like it? Is it the lyrics, tempo, dynamics, instruments, beat or rhythm that you like in that style of music? Ask your family members what style of music they prefer. Fill out the Google Form below.
This is a central link to a website for parents and students to watch instrument demos, learn about instrument rentals, and a google form for students to express their interest in playing an instrument next year! I encourage students to fill out the form, in addition to watching the instrument videos, so the teachers can contact you!
Mrs. Moldoff