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Colleen Mahoney's Classroom: Homework

Homework Guide

Use this guide to complete the weekly homework checklist:

  • Find the Weekly Homework sheet in your student's red Falcon Folder. Students should do homework Monday -Thursday.
    • Mondays & Wednesdays, students will have Reading/Literacy homework.
    • Tuesdays & Thursdays, students will have Math homework.
  • Each night, students have a choice of work to complete. They may choose one or more of the suggested activities.
  • Keep the packet of sight words at home to practice. I will send home additional packets as we learn more words.
  • Students should circle or check their choice on the homework sheet.
  • Sign and return the homework sheet, along with any completed papers, on Friday.



  • Read independently for 15 minutes.
  • Read with someone else - a parent, sibling, friend.  Encourage your student to alternate reading sentences or pages, if they can.
  • Read for 15 minutes on 
    • Raz-Kids (allows students to read at their individual levels)
    • Epic (a wide variety of texts - some are read aloud)
    • Bookflix (books are presented in video form with captioned text)

All of the Reading apps are bookmarked on student Chromebooks.  Links can also be found on the Welcome page of this Libguide.

Sight Words / Word Work


  • A list of sight words is attached to the homework sheet.  These are words we are currently studying in class.  You may want to cut the words apart, in order to practice with them:
    • Practice reading the words. Once words are mastered, put them aside and focus on the trickier words.
    • Practice printing the words - either alone or in simple sentences.  Use marker, crayon, chalk - anything that makes it more fun!
    • Go on a Sight Word Hunt!  Choose a word and see how many times you can find it - in books, magazines, labels, signs, or anywhere you find print.



  • Eureka Homework - If students choose this option, there will be a Math worksheet labelled Homework in the red folder with the Homework sheet.
  • ST Math - Students should work on ST Math puzzles for 20 minutes.  This site is bookmarked on student Chromebooks and a link can be found on the Welcome page of this Libguide.
  • Finish Zearn Lesson
    • The lesson corresponds to the lesson in class on that day.  Students may have started the lesson in class.
    • Students should only work on the lesson that is listed and SHOULD NOT go on to the next lesson.