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Ms. McDonough's UA Class: Week of 5/17 - 5/21

K - 2 Activities

3 - 5 Activities

This week you will be reviewing  Tempo - the speed of music.


Please review vocabulary words for tempos  in the slideshow below

Please go to the link below to clap rhythms to various tempos.  This will help you feel the different speeds of music.  When you go to this link, please look to the left side for “TEMPO”.  Choose the 4/4 meter and do the first four rhythm exercises.  In this activity you will be introduced to the tempo “MODERATO’ which means medium speed.

Have Fun!


Musicplayonline - Tempo


Our last activity will be to listen to some pieces of music with various tempos.  As you listen, think about “Where the music takes you?”  “What does this music remind you of?”    “How does this music make you feel?” 




