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Ms. McDonough's UA Class: Week of 5/24 - 5/28

K - 2 Activities


Follow along with the following slideshow to read and clap different rhythms.


Now that you have reviewed your rhythms, it’s time to compose your own rhythms!  Let’s be creative….What can we use to spell out our rhythms????
Crayons, Toothpicks, Spaghetti, Pipe Cleaners, Yarn, Straws….
Do you want to glue your rhythms to cardboard or construction paper?


To create a Du -  I

To create a DuDe  -  I  I (connect the two beams)

To create a Du-u -  I and cut out an open circle from scrap paper

To create a Shhhh…. -  Z


How to pick your rhythm?
Start with a word, like your name  “AMY”       Du  Du   or DuDe

                                                       “Kitchen Sink”    DuDe  Du

                                                        “Strawberry Shortcake”      Du  DuDe   Du   Du


We will be celebrating Memorial Day on Monday, May 31, 2021.  This is a holiday when we remember all the brave men and women who have helped keep our country safe.  Many people have lost their lives protecting our country, the United States of America.  On Memorial Day we remember these people and say thank you in our hearts.

Have fun singing all of the patriotic songs on the link below.  Share them with your family to make your Memorial Day a special one.


Patriotic Songs


Wizards Brew song story

Elephants Have Wrinkles

Alligator in the Elevator

Alligator in the Elevator song to sing


Mud song to sing

3 - 5 Activities

A month ago you created a music notation composition with Mrs. Pacuk.  Today you are going to create another composition that will include the dynamics and tempo that we have been reviewing for the past two weeks.


Please create your own music composition using the link below.

Create your own music composition


(After completing your composition, please take a screenshot of it.)


You are now ready to add your dynamics and tempo to your composition.

Use the slide below to edit your music composition with dynamics and tempo


Add some dynamics and tempo markings 


Perhaps you can share your composition with someone who plays a melodic instrument like the bells or piano, and they can play your piece.  You can also find virtual pianos and xylophones online.  You can share it with your school music teacher or save it to share when you are back in school!  See you soon!