Chromebooks should be charged nightly and brought to school everyday. Most classes will be using these Chromebooks for classwork and students will need them to complete homework as well.
It is suggested that students also have a cheap pair of headphones to keep in their backpack to use with their Chromebooks. Bluetooth does work on the Chromebooks however, when 20 students try and do this they can accidently connect to the wrong device.
If you forget your Chromebook and classwork was completed using the computers you will need to finish for homework!
Please make sure your student is checking Google classroom for assignments on the days they are absent from school.
May 22
ELA- Research your project
SS- Finish Reasons for the Fall of Rome by Wednesday
Sci- Finish sim paper
Math- get rid of old math books
May 11
SS- Finish Emperor Biography parts 1 and 2
Sci- Finish Playlist
ELA- Essay due tomorrow
May 10
SS- Finish Colosseum slides and Biography research
ELA- None
Sci- None
Math- Finish worksheet
May 2
ELA- Finish essay
SS- Yellow Class- Finish front page of the notes
Math- None
Sci- Finish Classwork
April 20
Math- Finish google form
ELA- Finish essay and slides
Sci- missing work
SS- FInish Roman Achievement notes and Rome Google Map activity
April 19
ELA- Essay due 4/19
SS- None
Math- Pg 183 pick 3 problems
Sci- Missing Work
April 12
SS- Finish Rome packet
Math- pg 121 all questions
Sci- 7 sentences on the back of the lab sheet
ELA- Read and take notes
April 11
SS- Finish Roman Republic and citizens questions 1-7
Math- Pg. 109 problems 2-7
Sci- None
ELA- Read and take notes
April 5
ELA- Read and take notes
Math- None
Sci- Purple class only- write 5 sentences connecting our activity with what we are learning in science
SS- Finish Greece organizer
April 4
ELA- Book Club reading due Thursday
Sci- Review Doodle Notes and read and 5 annotations
Math- None
SS- Graphic organizer due at the end of the day 4/5
April 3
ELA- Book Club reading
SS- None
Math- None
Sci- None
March 30
SS- Finish Olympic Economics assignment in GC
Math- page 55 #1
Sci- Finish gene paper from sim
ELA- Book study reading
March 27
ELA, Math, SS- None
Sci- Finish classwork
March 23
ELA- Finish all 4 sections by 3/24
Sci- None
Math- None
SS- None
March 21
ELA- Finish sections 1 & 2
SS- Greek Gods and Goddesses due tomorrow in class (10 minutes of work time)
Science- watch 3 videos in GC (Darwin, DNA, traits)
Math- none
March 20
SS- Finish Greek Myths
Sci- Missing Classwork
ELA- Finish section 1
Math- none
March 13
ELA- Finish Class Notes
SS- Missing work
Math, Sci- None
March 8
ELA- Read 1 hour by 3/10
SS- Finish Greece Questions
Math- None
Science- None
March 7
SS- None
ELA- Read 1 hour by 3/10
Math- Finish slide show
Sci- Prepare for assessment
March 6
SS- Finish Greece vocabulary
Math- Finish google slides
Science- Prepare for assessment at end of week
ELA- Read for 1 hour due 3/10
February 21
Sci- Organize binder for binder check
ELA- Plot map and Flush wrap up on GC
SS- Make sure travel journal is completed (due last week)
Math- Finish Classwork
February 13
ELA- None
SS- Finish Classwork
Math- None
Sci- Finish Classwork
February 6
SS- Caste System Worksheet
Math- None
Sci- None
ELA- Read and take notes on chapter 9
February 3
None! Stay warm :)
February 2
Sci- None
ELA- None
Math- Finish converting fractions worksheet (not coloring)
SS- None
February 1
SS- None
ELA- Finish classwork
Sci- Finish classwork (coloring climate maps)
Math- None
January 31
SS- Complete any missing questions on China Packet
Sci- Finish the video questions
Math- FInish the pixel art
ELA- Read chapter 6 and 7 and take notes
January 27
SS- None
ELA- Read through chapter 3 and take notes
Math- None
Sci- None
January 26
SS- Finish Zhou Dynasty Part I
Sci- Study for assessment
Math- None
ELA- Read chp 2 and 3 of Flush and answer question in google classroom
January 24
ELA- None
Sci- Read and annotate soup article
Math- None
SS- Finish India map and questions
January 19
ELA- Finish classwork
SS- None
Sci- None
Math- None
January 17
ELA- Finish Classwork
SS- Finish China map and Reading
Math- None
Science- Read and annotate article
January 11
ELA- Finish worksheet and question on GC
SS- Finish Egypt Assessment part 2
Sci- Complete sim (optional)
Math- None
January 10
SS- Finish Egyptian Assessment parts 1.1 and 1.2
ELA- World Without Fish intro questions
Math- None
Sci- Annotate article
January 6
ELA- None
SS- None
Math- None
Sci- Finish Lab Report
January 5
ELA- Slides due tomorrow
SS- Red and Yellow ONLY- Finish Nile Journal Discussion questions
Math- None
Sci- None
January 4
Math- 3 Ratio activities due end of day 1/5
SS- Blue and Purple ONLY- Finish Nile Journal discussion questions
ELA- Slides due Friday
Sci- None
SS- Finish your 5 gods/godesses
ELA- None
Math- None
Sci- None
Sci- Assessment Monday
ELA, Math, SS- None
SS- missing work
ELA- None
Sci- Finish sim and modeling
Math- Finish review for assessment
ELA- If you didn't do 5-10 notes for chapter 19 finish
Read Chapter 20 5+ notes
Math- none
SS- none
Sci- Finish Seasons Playlist
None :)
Math- Quiz tomorrow
ELA- read chapter 17 by Friday
ELA- Read Chapter 16
Sci- Complete Moon Journal
SS- Missing Work
ELA- Read Chapter 15 of Percy Jackson
SS- Finish A Day in the Life
Math, Sci- None
Math- None
ELA- None
SS- None
Sci- None
Sci- None
ELA-Read chapter 12 and fill out summary on GC
SS- None
Math- None
ELA- Read chapter 11
Math- Take home module 6 and 2 books and recycle
Sci- Finish Google Form
SS- Finish 2 worksheets on google classroom
ELA- Read chapter 10
Sci- None
SS- Finish Egypt map
SS- Finish Fair and Unfair worksheets
Sci- Can work on Egg Drop Ads
ELA- Google Slides due 11/22
Math- None
SS- Finish You be the Judge and true/false questions
Math- None
ELA- None
Sci- None
Math- None
Sci- None
SS- Finish Doc C questions
ELA- Finish Classwork
SS- Document B questions
Sci- Annotate article
Math- Finish pixel art
ELA- Finish classwork
SS- Finish annotating and answer the questions for Mesopotamia Civilizations
Math- Review for quiz tomorrow
ELA- Finish chapter 8 and finish chapter 7 questions
Sci- None
SS, Sci, ELA- None
Math- Turkeys due Monday
Sci- Missing Work
SS- Mesopotamia Map
Math- None
ELA- Chapter 5 and questions
Sci- Missing Work
Math- Finish Fraction Division Worksheet
ELA- Chapter 4 and questions on GC
SS- None
All classes- Missing work. Quarter ends 11/3
ELA- None
Science- Finish Exploring & Modeling collisions sheets
Math- None
SS- None
Sci- Finish Lab
ELA- Readers/Writers Notebook
Math- Finish page 16 question 3
SS- Finish all sources A-H
October 21
Science- In DS finish assessment
Math, SS, ELA- None
October 20
SS- Finish sources B, C, and D
ELA- Narrative due tomorrow
Math- None
Science- None
October 19
Science- students should finish their reflection assessment (force & Motion lab) AND read the wheelchair article
Math- None
ELA- narrative due Friday, Readers/Writers due Friday
SS- None
October 18
Sci, math, SS- None
ELA- narrative due Friday, Readers/Writers due Friday
October 17
SS- Finish Agriculture Reading and Worksheet
Math- None
Sci- Finish Classwork
ELA- Narrative due Friday, Readers/Writers notebook due Friday
October 14
Sci- Finish classwork
October 5
ELA- Personal Narrative due Friday
Readers notebook
Math- None
SS- None
Sci- None
October 4
SS- None
ELA- Personal Narrative due Friday
Readers notebook
Science- Finish lab
Math- None
September 28
September 27
September 22
September 21-
September 20
Blue/Purple – Complete Energy Check-in form and energy Card sort if not finished and watch 2 videos in Google Classroom ( Energy 101 and Wind energy)
Red/Yellow - watch 2 videos in Google Classroom ( Energy 101 and Wind energy)
Math- Lesson 4 exit ticket
SS- Red/Yellow- Finish Country Comparison
ELA- I am From poem
September 19
September 16
September 14
September 13
September 9
September 8
September 7
September 6
All Advisories- Bring back blue sheets!
September 2
All Advisories- Bring back blue sheets!