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Alyssa Brown's Classroom: Nov 30th -Dec 4th

Weekly Lessons


Remote Lessons

Week of November 30th - December 4th



This Week


We do not have a new learning video assigned for today. Please try your best to draw and write a true story.  Click here to print your writing paper.


We do not have a new video lesson today. Please click on the pictures to read a Favorite Storybook!

             Story Box, Mrs. Wishy-Washy: Cowley, Joy: 9780780274662: Books      Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Picture Puffin Books): Marshall, James,  Marshall, James: 8601420062856: Books      The Three Little Pigs #ReadAlong StoryBook Video For Kids Ages 2-7 - YouTube         Red Riding Hood (retold by James Marshall): James Marshall, Charles  Perrault: 9780140546934: Books




Unit 2 Session 5 The Power of Rereading 

Students will write more stories, going back and forth between being writer and reader. As they reread, they’ll double check that they are doing everything they know to make their writing easy to read, like drawing pictures, writing letters, spaces, capital letters, and punctuation. 

Click on the video to start your Writers' Workshop Lesson: 

Username: barron1

Password: barron1


Unit 2 Session 5 Partner Power Gives Readers Even Stronger Pointer Power 

Students will start by reading privately for 10-15 minutes. Then they will read 10-15 minutes with a partner, perhaps it is someone at home or a stuffed animal or another student. Partners will sit side-by-side, one book or poem or song will go in the middle, and they will take turns reading and pointing making sure to focus on making their pointing match what they are reading.

Click on the video to start your Readers' Workshop Lesson: 

Username: barron1

Password: barron1


Unit 2 Session 6 Checklists Can Help Writers Make Powerful Stories

Today writers will take stock of their writing, using either the “How to Write a True Story” chart or the “What Makes Writing Easy to Read?” chart as a checklist, thinking, “Did I do that?” and then fixing up parts based on what they found out. Some writers might also start new pieces today once they have revised past pieces. 

Click on the video to start your Writers' Workshop Lesson: 

Username: barron1

Password: barron1


Unit 2 Session 6 Super Readers Put Powers Together

Today students will read independently and then with (or to) a partner. As they are reading, they will need to make sure that when they get stuck or into some trouble they use ALL their strategies to help them get unstuck. Some strategies they will be using include: pointer power, reread power, partner power and picture power. 

Click on the video to start your Readers' Workshop Lesson: 

Username: barron1

Password: barron1


Unit 2 Session 7 A Vowel Chart Can Help with the Middles of Words

Today students will keep working on their true stories, either drafting new pieces or revising, thinking specifically about vowels. They will use a vowel chart to help as they go through their writing, stretching out words, and making sure they have a vowel in every single word—often in the middle.

Click on the video to start your Writers' Workshop Lesson: 

Username: barron1

Password: barron1


Unit 2 Session 7  Super Readers Learn Words and Practice Reading Them in a “Snap!”

Today students will spend time reading but also spend time studying some new words they see often inside their books or songs or poems. They will work hard to learn new words as they read by using the “How to Learn a Word” process from the mini-lesson.
•Read the Word
•Study the Word
•Spell the Word
•Write the Word
•Use the Word

Click on the video to start your Readers' Workshop Lesson: 

Username: barron1

Password: barron1



We do not have a new learning video assigned for today. Please try your best to draw and write a true story.  Click here to print your writing paper.


We do not have a new learning video assigned for today, so please feel free to choose one of the options below!

  • Choose a book from your home library to read to your stuffed animal 
  • Hop on Bookflix and choose a few different read alouds to enjoy 
    • Username: barron
    • PW: 03079
  • Visit Starfall to practice letters, letter sounds and/or reading 


Click on the links below for some handwriting practice!



Parent Sheet for Lessons 1-3 Module 3

Module 3 Lesson 1: Compare lengths using taller than and shorter than with aligned and non-aligned endpoints.

Click on the video to start your math lesson: 

Module 3 Lesson 1 Problem Set

Module 3 Lesson 2: Compare length measurements with string.

Click on the video to start your math lesson: 

Green and Orange Marker/Crayon

Longer or Shorter Template



Module 3 Lesson 2 Template

Module 3 Lesson 2 Problem Set

Module 3 Lesson 3: Make series of longer than and shorter than comparisons.

Click on the video to start your math lesson: 

Module 3 Lesson 3 Template

Module 3 Lesson 3 Problem Set


* Click here to play ST Math with Jiji for at least 20 minutes: