Monday, April 17, 2023
Science- Earth Day
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Science- Earth Day Word Search
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Math- Lesson 9 homework
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Sharing Day Friday!
Please return homework folder on Friday, April 21th.
Sharing Day is Friday, April 21st.
Family Project: Henry and Mudge Book Bag
April Book logs due May 1st.
Dear Families,
Welcome Back! Today, your children will be bringing home their Homework Folders. Each Monday the folder will go home and needs to be returned on Friday with all the completed assignments. There will be a weekly homework menu that shows what students should be doing each night. However, it is merely a suggestion and students are free to choose when they would like to complete each assignment during the week.
Students are also required to read 15 minutes each night. A monthly reading log will be send home at the beginning of each month and must be returned at the end.
Starting in October, children have a Family Project assigned. Members of the family are encouraged to help children complete these projects. They must be returned at the end of the month. Also, at the beginning of each month, a Sharing Sheet will go into student's homework folders. All students are allowed to share once a month (see the attached sheet with assigned dates) and are required to complete a Sharing Sheet if they want to share.
I know how busy your schedules are and I hope by sending homework on Monday this will help ensure that your children will be able to pace themselves in completing quality homework. I do expect neat handwriting on all assignments and if the assignment suggests, neat coloring with crayons. Weekly homework, weekly Spelling words, Sharing dates, Family Projects and more can also be found on our Classroom Website: (in case something is misplaced throughout the week). Thank you all for your continued support. Please contact me with any homework concerns or problems.
Thanks so much,
Mrs. Bergeron