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Mrs. Cleasby's Physical Education Class: Standards

Explore fun and fitness


Curriculum Guideline 1: Engages in a physically active lifestyle (psychomotor). 

K-2: The student will be able to:

  • Participate in daily physical activity during and after school.

  • Identify the physiological changes in the body during physical activity. c. Identify benefits gained from participation in physical activity.

  • List activities that will promote a physically active lifestyle. 

Curriculum Guideline 2: Achieves and maintains a health enhancing level of physical fitness (psychomotor). 

K-2: The student will be able to:

  • Participate in daily health-enhancing physical activities.

  • Participate in aerobic, anaerobic, flexibility and muscular strength and

    endurance activities.

  • Progress in vigorous activities from shorter periods to longer periods

    of time. 

Curriculum Guideline 3: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movements patterns, proficiency in a few, and applies these skills and patterns in a variety of physical activities (psychomotor). 

K-2: The student will be able to:

  • Demonstrate locomotor, non-locomotor and manipulative skills in a developmentally appropriate form.

  • Apply fundamental motor skills in a variety of physical activities, such as low-organized games, rhythmic activities, fitness activities, tumbling/gymnastics. 

Curriculum Guideline 4: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics as they apply to the development of motor skills and the learning and performance of physical activities (cognitive). 

K-2: The student will be able to:

  • Begin to use a movement vocabulary.

  • Begin to describe the critical elements of fundamental motor skills. c. Distinguish differences in time, space, force, flow and direction.

  • Use feedback from teachers to improve motor skill performance and cognitive understanding. 

Curriculum Guideline 5: Identifies that physical activity provides opportunities for health enhancement, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and social interaction (cognitive). 

K-2: The student will be able to:

  • Identify the value of participation in physical activities.

  • Describe what it is like to work in a group. 

Curriculum Guideline 6: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings (affective). 

K-2: The student will be able to:

  • Accept responsibility for his/her participation in physical activity settings.

  • Work cooperatively and productively with a partner or small groups. c. Identify and follow safety rules for all activities.

  • Display responsible behaviors in physical activity settings.

  • Recognize the existence of individual uniqueness in physical activity settings.

  • Display consideration for others in physical activity settings.

  • Discuss the importance of including all students in physical activity settings.

  • Resolve conflict in socially acceptable ways.