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Miss MacCarthy: Pictures!

Spaghetti Supper!

Making Irish Bread!

Sharing our Opinion Writing

AWESOME cell projects

Testing out our new Multi Projector!

Non-Fiction Writing Celebration!

Christmas Reader's Theater!

Thanksgiving time with our 2nd Grade Buddies!

Good luck, Ashley!

On Friday, our friend Ashley moved to a new school. We wish her the best of luck!

Winners of the Marshmallow Challenge!

First Day Fun!

Analyzing Perspective within the Boston Massacre

Room 204 Spelling Bee Finalists!

Valentines Day Party

Sharing our Chocolate Milk Opinion Writing

Last Movement Day with our Buddies!

Holiday Party Fun!

Halloween Fun!


The class voted on a Tom Brady pumpkin to design together! I LOVE it! 


Class Halloween Picture!

Bully Themed Book Groups

Last book talk from our bully themed unit! These students did a great job keeping up with their reading and participating in book discussions with Mrs. Boyce's class!


Marshmallow Challenge!