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Gilbert - Immigration & Genealogy: Getting Started

Research guide for family heritage project.

What's here...

World History in Context - the go-to database for information from a global viewpoint.  

Historical Newspapers - search five newspapers as far back as the Civil War for real-life reporting on immigrants and immigration issues viewed through the lens of the time

Virtual Reference - a collection of e-books


Junior Worldbook

You may find these two e-books helpful for this project.  

Gale E-books

This database is a collection of e-books that complement our databases and provide more in-depth coverage of topics.  


Gale EBooks

Immigration Book

World History in Context

Start broad with your search terms, then narrow/refine your results.  

World History in Context


Historical Newspapers

The historical newspapers database gives you access to:

  • Boston Globe (1872-1988)
  • Chicago Tribune (1849-1996)
  • Los Angeles Times (1881-1995)
  • New York Times (1851-2014)
  • Wall Street Journal (1889-2002)