This website is intended as a resource for staff. It includes:
Consider creating your own photos using your device. It is also possible to scan any drawings you have created in the library and make jpegs (picture files).
Even though I did not post that this image is under copyright you must assume you do not have permission to use it because I have not provided any information on re-use. I provided a simple MLA citation so my reader knows I am not violating copyright.
Hopkins, Rachel. Dilly the Dog Goes Skiing. 18 Mar. 2018.
This is an example of an image I used from ImageQuest. All images in this database have been cleared for educational re-use. I make sure that my MLA citation is clearly associated with the image so that my reader sees that I gave credit and have permission to re-use it.
Computer-generated Julia fractal. Photograph. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia Britannica, 25 May 2016. Accessed 18 Oct 2018.
This is an example of an image I found on WikiMedia Commons. The author placed it under a Creative Common's license so I know how I can re-use it. My MLA citation provides credit/attribution and leads the reader back to the original source.
Magicpiano. File:SalemNH HighSchool.jpg. WikiMeddia Commons, Accessed 18 Oct. 2018.