When you write about something you have read, you need to use text evidence - that is, details from the text - to support the points you are making. You can use text evidence in the form of a direct quotation that (author's exact words) or a paraphrase (a restatement of what the author wrote). You also need to explain WHY that text evidence is relevant.
Direct quotation: A quotation is an exact copy of the words the author or speaker uses. Surround a direct quotation with quotation marks.
Paraphrase: To paraphrase is to put something written or spoken by someone else into your own words. A paraphrase is not surrounded by quotation marks.
When using a direct quote, copy down the exact words from a sentence. Surround a direct quotation with quotation marks.
To paraphrase is to put something written or spoken by someone else into your own words. You don't change the meaning of what the other person wrote or said, just the wording. A paraphrase is not surrounded by quotation marks.
Identify who wrote or said what you are quoting or paraphrasing. This is called "citing your source." Include a page number.
Include a sentence that makes it clear how the text evidence supports your idea. Reread the information you quoted or paraphrased and ask yourself, "So what?"