Throughout sociology all topics covered were applied and connected to the Millennial Generation. The summative assessment gave students the freedom to apply, analyze and evaluate topics in sociology and present their findings about the Millennial Generation in the form of a Blog .
Throughout the semester, students have displayed their knowledge through technology. The final will also be presented using technology. In the first task, students are required to create a Blog .
Task 1: Students will be directed to a libguide on my blog. I have posted a tutorial on how to create a blog as well as other tutorials that need to be referenced as well.
What is a blog?
A Blog is a form of communication that conveys ideas, opinions and attitudes. The writer creates posts that will inspire both comment and conversation. Text and visuals add to a blog and help to capture the reader’s attention.
Task 1 continued : Student Responsibility
On the post you have just created you are to blog about who your are.
Task 2: Reference the libguide for the directions to create your first Page in your Blog.
Student Responsibility: Throughout the course every topic covered in sociology has been connected back to the Millennial Generation. In this portion of the final students are to create a Powtoon answering this question:
Who are the Millennials?
Step 1 to the Powtoon: View the Powtoon as a story. What do you want your story to say? It needs to have a clear beginning, middle and end. I highly recommend plotting this out in the form of a storyboard.
Step 2: Students are also required to create a Powtoon about their generation and embed it into this page. Reference the libguide for the steps to embed your Powtoon.
Step 3: Students are to Blog about the process of answering who are the Millennials. Be sure to include links to support your findings. Reference the libguide for the directions in how to insert a link.
Task 3: Reference the libguide again for the directions to create another Page in your Blog.
Task 3 Student Responsibility: Blog about the following topic.
Topic : As a member of the Millennial Generation society has much to say about you. Now it is your time to reflect and speak out. What do you think of society and the role it has played in the creation of the Millennial Generation.
Task 4:
Topic: What would sociologist say about the Millennial Generation?
Student Responsibility: Throughout the course, students have been introduced to numerous sociologists and their perspectives on both sociology and society. In task 4, students are to create 5 separate tweets from 5 different sociologists from 5 different units we have covered. Craft a creative Twitter handle for each sociologist and include the appropriate hashtags in your tweet.
Reference the libguide for the directions to create your a Page in your Blog.
Read, analyze, and apply information from a variety of written and other sources |
10 points Student fully and accurately comprehends, interprets and analyzes all information and uses it to support written ideas. |
8 points Student comprehends, interprets and analyzes the majority of information and uses it to support written ideas. |
6 points Student comprehends, interprets and analyzes some information and sometimes uses it to support written ideas. |
4 points Student does not comprehend, interpret or analyze information or rarely uses it to support written ideas. |
I would like to thank Karen Desjadon for working with me on the blogging assessment and sharing her blog rubric.