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Team Maple: Social Studies

Ms. Massahos

My name is Hilary Reynolds and this is my second year teaching at Woodbury Middle School. I will be teaching Social Studies and Social Studies Content Literacy here on team Maple. My love for history started in elementary school and grew throughout the years. Middle school years are so important for children and I truly enjoy making these years as positive and influential as I possible can.

Social Studies allows for our students to view our past, understand how it has lead to our present, and how it can predict our future. There is history everywhere we turn. It is imperative for our students to realize that and make connections to their own life along with their other classes. 

In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family and friends (and dog), exercising, and any type of craft I can get my hands on.

Lets make this year great :)

5 Themes of Geography

I Can Statements

 I can define the 5 Themes of Geography

 I can name the 5 Themes of Geography

 I can identify and create examples of the 5 Themes of Geography

 I can use various geographic tools to analyze information and draw conclusions

 I can explain how human (man made) and physical features influence the culture in a region