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Team Maple: News and Events

Ice Cream Social 9/9

Team Maple will be hosting an Ice Cream Social on Wednesday, September 9th from 4:30-5:30.  Please look for the form in your child's opening day packet!

Picture Day 9/11

Picture Day is scheduled for Friday, September 11th.  Picture Day forms were in the Opening Day Packets.  If your son/daughter does not have the form, extras are available in the Main Office.

iReady Testing

Students will have their Fall Math iReady test on Wednesday, September 16th and their Fall Reading iReady test on Thursday, September 17th. Please encourage your child to eat a nutritious breakfast and get a good nights rest! 

Students will begin their Winter Math iReady test on Tuesday, January 5th and their Winter Reading iReady test on Wednesday, January 6th.  Please encourage your child to eat a nutritious breakfast and get a good nights rest! 

ABE (Adventure Based Education)

ABE will be every Thursday on Team Maple.  Students should wear sneakers and dress for the weather!  Students will go outside even if it is sprinkling; if a student has a rain coat it may come in handy :)

Picture Retake Day

Olympic T-Shirt Money

It is that time of year again!

Team Maple's Olympic T-Shirt has been designed and will be arriving in late January/early February.

T-Shirts are $6.00 each.  

Please have your son or daughter bring in their money before the end of January!

Pennies for Patients

NJHS is collecting money for Pennies for Patients.  The final collection day is March 25th.  Please consider donating! :)


Your child has brought home MANY forms that need to be signed and returned.  Please send these forms back as soon as possible.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of the team teachers!

Field Trips

Our first field trip will be on Friday, August 28th.  All 7th Grade students will be attending the Connections field trip at the NECC Campus.

Magazine Drive

Magazine fundraiser has been sent home! Please encourage your son/daughter to participate! 

Red Ribbon Week 10/26-10/30

Monday: Hat Day

Tuesday: Crazy Hair Day


Parent Teacher Conferences

Please remember to fill out the parent/teacher conference form and return to school by Wednesday, October 28th.

Conference will be held on Tuesday, November 10th.  Students do not have school that day! 

Winter Carnival: March 4th

The PTSA is asking for donations for the Winter Carnival!!!

Team Maple is being asked to bring in beach and picnic themed items to raffle off at the Winter Carnival.  Items are due no later than Monday, February 29th!

Author Visit

Local NH author to visit Woodbury School on April 22, 2016.

If students would like to purchase any of her books, order forms and payment is due by March 29th.

If you have any questions, please email Mrs. LeBorgne for more information!