Comp Final
Value: 60 points
Due Date: June 8th
Essential Question: How did events, individuals and trends define ______( insert year)
In this summative assessment students are responsible for researching, analyzing and drawing conclusions that define the essential question.
Student Responsibilities:
The journey begins with breaking down the essential question.
Reference the link on the blog that provides a guide to breaking down the essential question. (FYI it is not the question I gave you)
Research pays a pivotal role in answering the essential question.
Primary and Secondary sources are highly recommended.
This tutorial guides students on the following:
If you already have an account from a previous class just log in and create.
This tutorial guides students to :
1. Create an audioboom account using google chrome.
2.How to navigate audioboom .
3.How to create a voicethread.
4.Yuck- Hated It - How to delete a voice thread from audioboom.
5.How to publish audioboom.
6.How to insert image.
Helpful Hint:
I highly recommend that students create a script .