Hello! I will be posting pictures from science class on this page. Look for exciting images of what's going on in SCIENCE!
What do you think? Why do you think that? These are the two questions that I ask my students all the time when exploring science topics. I believe that it is important that my students generate ideas about science that include reasoning supported by evidence. It is their first year of having science ever day, and they will be learning a ton!
We will be learning to look at the world like scientists. We will observe, question, predict, hypothesize, investigate, evaluate, and communicate what we've learned. Most of the work that we will do in class will be recorded in our Science Notebooks. The Science Notebooks will be kept in the classroom for use every day.
Topics that will be covered over the course of this school year: (These topics align with the Next Generation Science Standards and, they are taught across the 6th grade level here at Woodbury.)
The Scientific Method
Natural Selection
Human Impact on the Environment
Most of the student's science work is done in the classroom and recorded in the student's science notebook. Students have to meet, or exceed, the criteria identified for each investigation. Once the set of criteria have been met, each student gets a stamp in their notebook and TEN points is added to their score in Infinite Campus. If the criteria are not met, the student is asked to fix the issue and return later for reevaluation. Quizzes/Assessments are given periodically with a study guide issued several days in advance. Each Quiz/Assessment is worth FIFTY points. Homework is given occasionally, and it is worth TEN points each. Students and parents are encouraged to check IC often and keep track of grades in science. If you have any questions, email me.