The units and topics students will be covering this year include:
Students will continue to use Connected Mathematics (CMP3) as their main resource.
Other resources include:
MathXL for school
Course Expectation Sheet needs to be read and signed by both parent and student by Friday, 9/6.
In our Linear and Nonlinear Relationships unit, students will be introduced to the concept of mathematical models. Students will explore real world situations that can be represented with various mathematical models, including graphs, tables, pictures, and equations. This work prepares students to see patterns and relationships between two variables which they will apply in later units as they explore functions.
Welcome to Team Jefferson Math
Teacher: Mrs. Bishop
Phone: 603 893-7055 ext. 3211
Welcome! This handout is designed to answer your questions about the expectations and policies for Math on Team Jefferson. This should be kept in your math binder.
Students should come prepared to class every day with the following supplies:
Student Responsibilities:
3. Be safe
Grading Policy:
We will be transitioning to a competency-based reporting system this year. There will be more information to follow at open house.
Extra Help:
Everyone needs extra help at one time or another. Students are highly encouraged to seek help anytime they feel they have worked beyond a productive struggle.
Retakes are allowed on all assessments, if students follow all guidelines on the retake contract.
Guidelines for retake contract:
1. Fill out the top portion of the retake contract and check in with Mrs. Bishop to schedule the reassessment no later than two days after the first assessment was given back.
2. Complete any missing homework, notes, and/or activities for the topics covered by this assessment. Turn in work before the date of the reassessment.
3. Make assessment corrections on a separate piece of paper and attach to the back of the original assessment.
4. Review assessment, assessment corrections, and action plan with Mrs. Bishop (this can happen any time before the reassessment) Initials _________ Date _________
5. Take the reassessment no later than two weeks after the first assessment was given back.
Students who are absent are responsible for checking the “While you were out” bin in the back of the classroom and having a discussion with the teacher upon returning to school. It is the student’s responsibility to make up all missed work (including assessments) within 24 hours of their return.
Cell Phones: Math class is a NO cell phone zone. Students are asked to keep their phones safety locked in their lockers or put their phone in the “Mobile Motel” bin on the side table for the duration of class. Students, who chose not to comply with this simple request, will receive consequences. No Exceptions.
Disciplinary Actions:
Classroom disruptions, repeated tardiness, inappropriate behavior, and other instances of not following the above-stated rules will be met with the following consequences:
1st offense = verbal warning and recognition of inappropriate behavior by student
2nd offense = lunch detention
3rd offense = parent notification and lunch detention
4th offense = after school teacher detention with 24 hour notice and parent notification
5th offense = administrative/guidance referral
*steps may be skipped depending on the severity of the issue*
Academic Honesty:
Students are expected to do their own work at all times. Each student is expected to contribute equally to group assignments. Students caught cheating, copying, or plagiarizing (passing off someone else’s words as your own) will receive a failing grade on the assignment and will be reported to the office.