Grade 8 - United States History
This year, students will investigate guiding questions such as “How have past events shaped our national identity?” Students begin the year exploring colonialism and its effect on people and the environment of North America. They examine how the American government was created and investigate the basics of our economy. Next, students discover Americans’ different perspectives regarding Manifest Destiny. Students investigate how the Civil Rights movement has direct connections to the American Civil War and the Jim Crow era. Students will also explore guiding questions such as “What are some examples of change and continuity throughout American history?” Students compare how immigration policies affect everyday lives of Americans both in the past and present. Using their prior basic knowledge of the economy, students will apply these concepts to the study of the Gilded Age and the Great Depression. They will analyze cause and effect relationships throughout the development of the nation. Additional supporting questions appear under each topic. The questions are included to stimulate teachers’ and students’ own questions for discussion and research.
Welcome to your 8th grade Social Studies class! My name is Mrs. Muraco and I'm excited to start a new school year with you. This year we are going to be studying American History from the colonial era through modern times. We will focus on how Americans have lived their lives over the past 300 years, how our government was formed and how it works today, and how ideas and inventions shape the world around us.
In this letter, I would like to outline the expectations and your responsibilities you will have in this class.
You are expected to come to class prepared every day with the following materials:
Content and Grading
This class is focused around mastering Social Studies standards in the following competencies:
You will be responsible for reading primary source documents along with non-fiction historical texts to come to conclusions about different facets of American history. There will be an emphasis on writing a convincing argument with sufficient evidence and analysis to back up your claim. You will have many opportunities to speak your mind in this class about various historical topics. You will also hone your informational writing skills as you learn to effectively compose informative writing pieces about incidents in American history.
You are always expected to treat everyone in the room, whether an adult or a fellow student, with respect. Failure to follow directions or displays of other disrespectful behavior will result in a phone call home, an email home, or even a referral to the office. Remember Woodbury's school values: Safety, Respect, and Responsibility.
Contact Information:
Classroom Phone: (603) 893-7055 x3206
Team Website:
Classroom Instagram: mrsmuraco23
Supporting Question: How has the outcome of the Civil War affected Americans’ lives?
Supporting Question: How did the United States respond to new ideas about society?
Supporting Question: What factors led the American economy to go from booming to busting?
Supporting Question: Should freedoms be sacrificed in the name of national security?
Supporting Question: Was westward expansion a success?
Supporting Question: How do individuals make choices about spending?
Supporting Question: How has the outcome of the Civil War affected Americans’ lives?
Supporting Question: How did the events and policies of the colonial period transform our emerging nation?
Supporting Question: How do the institutions of the U.S. political system work?