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MLA Style Guide, 9th Edition: Publisher

Publisher (Works Cited)

Publisher is the seventh core element. The company or organization primarily responsible for producing the source or making it available is the publisher. For books, the publisher is listed on the title page.

  • This element begins with a capital letter because it will almost always be a proper noun.
  • Use shortened forms of publisher names. For example, "University Press" is shortened to "UP". Omit all business words like "Company", "Corporation", "Incorporated", and "Limited".
  • If more than one party appears to be equally responsible for the source, document both separated by a forward slash "/".
  • Some sources will not have a publisher. Common examples include articles from periodicals (journals, magazines, and newspapers), self-published works, Web sites with no publisher listed, and Web sites functioning as a container instead of a publisher like YouTube,, JSTOR, etc.
  • This element ends with a comma.


Brinkley, Alan, The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People. 7th ed, McGraw Hill, 2014, p. 525.


Couceiro, Sofia and Jason Hanna. "Kate's Sister, Pippa Middleton, Announces Engagement." CNN, 19 July 2016,

Blog network:

DiFrancesco, Tim. "The 4-Week Fitness Plan to Increase Strength: Day 9." Hello Healthy, My Fitness Pal, 2 June 2016,

Films or television series:

The Big Lebowski. Directed by Joel Coen, performances by Jeff Bridges and Julianne Moore, Polygram Filmed Entertainment, 1998.