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MLA Style Guide, 9th Edition: Parts of Books

Parts of Books

Material Type In-text Citation Works Cited
Chapter/essay from a book/anthology          (O'Brien 689)

O'Brien, Tim. "The Things They Carried." Literature: Reading Fiction, Poetry, and Drama, edited by Robert DiYanni, 6th ed., McGraw Hill, 2007, pp. 684-97.

Part of book from an online database

(Porter 13)

Porter, Carolyn. "Ann Beattie: The Art of the Missing." The Contemporary American Women Writers: Native Strategies, edited by William J. Scheick and Catherine RainwaterUP of Kentucky, 2015, pp. 9-28. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost).

Introduction/preface from a book or anthology written by the editor (Damrosch xxi)

Damrosch, David and David L. Pike. Preface. The Longman Anthology of World Literature, edited by Damrosch, et al, 2nd ed., Pearson Education, 2009, pp. xxi-xxv.

Start the citation with author of the introduction/preface.

Introduction/preface from a book written by someone other than the author(s) (Wyatt ii)

Wyatt, David. Introduction. East of Eden, by John Steinbeck, Penguin, 1992, pp. i-vi.

Start the citation with author of the introduction/preface.

Entry in a reference work, with an author and editor (Munro and Munro 553)

Munro, Brenda, and Gordon Munro. “Family, Definition Of.” International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family, edited by James J. Ponzetti, Jr., 2nd ed., vol. 2, Gale Group, 2003, pp. 549-­55. 

Entry in a reference work, with an editor and no author ("Cuba" 235)

"Cuba." Political Handbook of the World 2014, edited by Tom Lansford, CQ Press, 2014, pp. 354-8.