Welcome to 3rd Grade!
I am looking forward to spending the year together. We are going to do a lot of learning and have a lot of fun together this year! Please feel free to email me with any questions.
Elementary students in Grades 2-5 will access Google Classroom with a district-issued username and password.
A Typical Day
8:45-9:25- Morning Routine & Morning Meeting
9:25-10:25- Math Workshop
10:25-10:40- Snack
10:40-11:20- Special
11:20-12:05- Recess/Lunch
12:05- 12:35- Team Time
12:35-2:25- Literacy
2:25-2:45- Content
2:45- 3:00- Pack up & Dismissal
Monday: Music
Tuesday: PE
Wednesday: Library
Thursday: Art
Friday: Guidance
Click here to see the 2023-2024 Salem School District Calendar.
Aug 30th: First Day of School!
Sept 4: Labor Day-No School
Sept 27: Early Release