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Erin Cianciolo's Classroom: Welcome to Fifth Grade!

Partnering with Parents to Enrich the Student Learning Experience

Unified Arts Schedule

Monday: Band & Chorus

Tuesday: Physical Education - Wear sneakers!

Wednesday: Music

Thursday: Art

Friday: Library

Educational Tools & Games

Class Schedule

Team 13's Day

8:45-9:15 Math Pre-teaching

9:15-10:15  Math Workshop

10:15-10:35 Reading Instruction/Snack

10:35-11:15 Specials 

11:30-12:15 Recess/Lunch

12:15-1:45 Intervention Block

1:45-2:15  Literacy Workshop

2:15-2:45  Science/ Social Studies

2:45  Responsive Classroom Meeting Time

3:00 Dismissal 

Mrs. Cianciolo

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Erin Cianciolo
Erin Cianciolo M.Ed., C.A.G.S, S.A.I.F.
I began teaching first grade at the Haigh School in 2000. I transferred to the fifth grade at Lancaster School in 2002. In 2017, my passion for project-based learning motivated me to become a K-5 STEM Integrator. STEM allowed me to collaborate with Special Education members and that motivated me to jump to Special Education Coordinating.

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