Welcome to Salem High School's culinary art program website. Here you will find our weekly Three Seasons Restaurant menu, pictures of our students in action, information and pictures from recent events we've done, Culinary Arts course information and more.
Our Culinary Arts students proudly run our Three Seasons Restaurant! During the school year, the restaurant is open to the public for dine in or take out lunch. Please click on the link below to check out our blog, it has lots of information about the program and restaurant services. Our restaurant is a learning environment, we thank you for your support and patience.
If you'd like to receive our menu automatically each week, please send your email address to us at jeffrey.bratz@sau57.org or kaci.ahern@sau57.org and we will add you to our distribution list.
Culinary Arts Chef Jeffrey Bratz at: jeffrey.bratz@sau57.org
Contact us by phone at 603.893.7069 x1502