Monday: Art/Strings
Tuesday: Library
Wednesday: Guidance
Thursday: Physical Education
Friday: Music/Chorus
March 2020
We can’t believe it is almost Spring Time!
We will continue to work on Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop. We will be working on Reading History: The American Revolution. In the area of writing we will be working on Bringing History to Life: Writing Research Books.
In Math we will be working in Module 5: Fraction Equivalence, Ordering, and Operations.
In STEM we will be ending our unit on Energy - Collision. We will start our unit on Energy – Conversions.
In addition to homework, the students should be working on ST Math and Typing Agent at home daily. By the end of the month the expectation is that the students will be at 72% in ST Math.
Important Dates:
-March 5: Elementary School Dodge Ball at Salem High School
-March 23: Report Cards go home
A Typical Day
8:45-9:00 Morning Routines
9:00-10:00 Math
10:00-10:45 Writing
10:45-11:40 Content/STEM
11:40-12:25 Recess--Lunch
12:25-12:45 Word Study
12:50-1:20 Intervention
1:20-2:15- Reading
2:15-2:55 Specials
3:00 Dismissal