What are in-text citations?
Think of it as a Google map pin. You are marking a spot in your paper to lead the reader back to the citation on a Works Cited.
MLA uses parenthetical citations to identify the source and if available the specific location (page number) from which you used information, either by integrating a quote, paraphrasing, or summarizing.
Place the parenthetical reference where a natural pause would occur, as near as possible to the material documented. In-text citations are typically placed at the end of a quote, sentence, or paragraph.
Google Maps Pin. Photograph. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia Britannica, 22 Oct 2018.
quest.eb.com/search/315_2831873/1/315_2831873/cite. Accessed 6 Dec 2018.
To access the Google doc embedded below: Common In-Text Citation Rules