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Mr. Campbell's Home on the Internet: Quiz Bowl

Home page for Mr. Campbell's Global Studies Classes and info regarding extracirrculars

Come and Join!

Quiz Bowl meets in Mr. Campbell's room, P12, every Tuesday at 2:20. Come on out and join us for fun and trivia!

Our season lasts all school year, with both varsity and j/v tournaments almost every month. 

We also field a team for NHPTV's Granite State Challenge, which is a quiz show competition that appears on Channel 11. YOU could be on TV! 



The following is our schedule for the 2017-2018 school year.
September 30th: Rookie tournament (host: Plymouth)
October 14th: Division II tournament (host: John Stark)
October 28th: GHOST @ Hanover
November 19th: Super Sunday GSC
December 2nd: Division I tournament (host: Lisbon)
December 9th: Division III tournament (host: Merrimack)
January: Granite State Challenge (no quiz bowl)
February 10th: Division IV tournament (host: PCA)
March 17th: At-Large tournament (host: Kingswood)
March 31st: Snow date for at-large
April 8th: State tournament


Granite State Challenge Update!

Our second round match airs on Saturday, March 31st, at 6pm on Channel 11!

Granite State Challenge on Facebook!

Granite State Challenge on!



The 2017-2018 regular season is now complete! Salem will advance to the state finals on April 8th!

Quiz Bowl Remind