The Salem School District Annual Meeting is comprised of two parts. The first portion is the Deliberative Session, at which time the Salem School Board will present the Municipal Budget Committee’s proposed 2024-2025 school district budget. The second portion is election day. The Board has considered our need to maintain student programs and services and to focus on the organization’s fundamental responsibilities, which include curriculum, instruction, and assessment with all related resources. Board members also looked to areas where expense reductions could be made.
You are notified to meet at Salem High School in the Seifert Performing Arts Center Salem on Thursday, February 8, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. The session shall consist of an explanation, discussion, and debate on warrant articles 2 through 5.
Article 2 Budget Presentation
Article 3 Salem Educational Personnel Association (SEPA) CBA
Article 4 Salem Educational Support Personnel Association (SESPA) CBA
Article 5 Grant Field Turf
Voting on warrant articles 1 through 5 shall be conducted by official ballot to be held in conjunction with Town Meeting voting on March 12, 2024. You are hereby notified to meet at your respective polling places:
The polls will open at 7:00 a.m. and not close before 7:00 p.m.
The following documents provide a overview of the School District Annual Meeting.