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Mrs. Verry's Classroom: Welcome to Fifth Grade



Hello Team 4 Parents!

I am inviting you to become a partner in your child's education. I want to make a positive impact that lasts a lifetime.

I know my teaching must begin with making your child feel safe and comfortable at school while helping all children in Team 4 come together to form a learning community. I feel it is a privilege to be your child's teacher, however, I can not do it alone. Your input and support are so important in building a happy school year.

I am looking forward to getting to know your child and learning together.

Karen Verry


Monday: PE

Tuesday: Art

Wednesday: Guidance

Thursday: Library

Friday: Music

SSD Curriculum Resources


What's Up?

November 2022


Math: Unit 2: Converting Measurement, Multiplying Decimals

Reading: Non- Fiction Reading strategies

Writing: Informational Writing, journal writing, poem writing

Word Study: Vocabulary words from Lunch Fights Back,using prepositions, sentence building

Social Studies: NH Kid Governor- elections and voting in context of Nh government

Science: Modeling Matter- The Chemistry of Food



Weekly Schedule

9:00 9:15 Team Time

9:15- 10:00 Writing Workshop/or Special 

10:00- 11:00 Math

11:00-11:45 Lunch and Recess

11:45-12:15 Intervention time- small group learning/Independent Reading

12:15- 12:30 Word Study

12:30- 1:30 Readers' Workshop

1:30-2:15 Writer's Workshop or Special

2:15- 2:45 Science, Social Studies, ST Math, Typing Agent

2:45- 3:00 Daily Reflections

Leader Responsibilities

When it is your child's turn, they will be responsible for discussing the following items with the class. 

Today's date

Schedule of the Day events

Current Events- local, state national, world news)

Poem- from the room or find your own you like

Poetic Moment-Observations from your world

Book Share- What are you reading right now?

Writing Notebook-choose something to read you have written recently

Tidbit- Share something we may not know about you

Quote- share one you like from the room or find your own

Question of the Day- your choice to the class

Mrs. Verry

Profile Photo
Karen Verry
173 South Policy
Salem NH 03079
(603) 893-7053

Google Classroom

Google Classroom

Elementary students in Grades 2-5 will access Google Classroom with a district-issued username and password.