Monday: Art
Tuesday: Library
Wednesday: PE
Thursday: Guidance
Friday: Music
Read every night from your choice book for 30 minutes. First find a cozy quiet spot. After reading, log your time, pages read into your Reading Log. Respond with a sentence that reflects your thinking about each night's reading. It's not about what happened but what you noticed and think about that happened.
Practice Math skills by completing in class assignments, ST Math, automaticity of math facts.
8:45-9:00 Morning Routines
9:00-: 9:40 Specials
9:40-10:00 TEAM time
10:00-11:00 Math
11:00-11:45 Science/Social Studies
11:45- 12:15 Word Study and Read aloud
12:15- 1:00 Recess/Lunch
1:00- 1:45 Reader's Workshop
1:45-2:30 Writer's Workshop
2:30--2:55 Intervention Block
3:00 Dismissal
Watch your thoughts
they become your words
Watch your words
they become your actions
Watch your actions
they become your habits
Watch your habits
They become your character
Watch your character
It becomes your destiny.
September 14th- OPEN HOUSE NIGHT 6:00 Please come to meet me and learn all about fifth grade curriculum expectations. Also, our NEW standard-based report card will be discussed.
September 15th- INTERNATIONAL DOT DAY- Team 4 will be having a creative day!!!
Scholastic BOOK ORDERS due You can order books online with the class code or send in your check in an envelope with your order.