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Carrie Waterhouse's Classroom: Welcome to Fourth Grade

Important Reminders

Week of January 9-13th

Upcoming Events:

No School Monday, January 16- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day


Need some Math help?  Use this link Math Help For Parents to access some tips for our current math unit.

January Lunch Menu


Free or Reduced Lunch Application - Our school receives special funding based on the number of students eligible for free and/or reduced lunch.  Please consider filling out the application if you believe your family may be eligible.




I am so glad to have you in my class this year.  We will learn a lot and have fun doing it.  I can't wait to get to know you throughout the next several months.  

SSD Curriculum Resources

Unified Arts Schedule

Monday: Library

Tuesday: Music

Wednesday: Chorus

Thursday: PE/Strings if applicable

Friday: Art

Our Weekly Schedule

Welcome to Team 16!

What you can expect for nightly homework

Charge and return Chromebooks

Clean and refill water bottles

Get outside and get some fresh air.

Read nightly for 20-30 minutes

M/W 20 minute session  of ST Math

T/Th- Math worksheet


Google Classroom

Google Classroom

Elementary students in Grades 2-5 will access Google Classroom with a district-issued username and password.