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Pickup Patrol: Pickup Patrol

Starting March 2, 2002

How it Works

  • PickUp Patrol (PUP) is free to parents and is accessed from your smartphone or computer.
  • To make a dismissal change, simply log in, select a date, your child, and a plan change option. Then hit submit and that’s it!
  • Changes and absences can be entered months in advance, but submit all same-day changes by 2:25.  If you try to add changes after that time, you will be prompted to contact the school office. 
  • Teachers will be automatically notified of any dismissal changes for the day and will communicate them to your child.  You will receive a confirmation email.


Parents submit plan changes for their children
through Pickup Patrol
on their smartphone or on a computer.
No more notes or phone calls!


Once a day, a list of plan changes is automatically
sent to teachers, who then pass the
information along to their students.


PickUp Patrol creates lists of changes for the car line,
buses, and afterschool activities that can be distributed to
dismissal personnel so everyone knows who's going where.