Preschool parents
Parents registering for Salem Preschool should ONLY use this form after a confirmed placement email has been received.
Start or Return to a New Registration Application...
Add a new student via the Parent Portal
Login, select the "More" link, then "Online Registration"All new student registrations start with an online application system. It is recommended you use a computer or laptop.
If you have the capability of scanning or photographing documents to electronic form, you will have the option of uploading them during the application process. Otherwise, you will need to complete the application and contact the appropriate registrar to bring in the requested documents.
Step 1: Complete the New Student Online Registration form
The online registration form will require approximately 20 minutes to complete. You should be prepared to enter the following information:
(Optional) Upload Required Forms (See FAQs page)
The online registration form allows for the direct upload of electronic documents -- either scans or photographs. If you are unable to upload electronic documents, you can still complete the online registration form.
You will, however, be required to set up an in-person meeting with the appropriate registrar (below) to provide the required documents.
Step 2: Schedule an In-Person Appointment (if necessary)
If you are unable to provide required documents electronically, or you have special circumstances or custody agreements, please schedule an in-person appointment with the appropriate registrar:
These forms will be available during the online application process as well.